CCAP Synod of Livingstonia, Handed over 75 tabs,solar panels and batteries to 75 CBCCs in Mzimba
CCAP synod of Livingstonia, Early child development is implementing a six year project in Mzimba north in traditional authorities of Kampingo sibande, Jalavikuwa munthali, Mtwalo and Mpherembe. The School readiness initiative project (SRI) which is funded by Roger Federer Foundation is aimed at preparing learners in the community based childcare centres to be ready for primary school and primary school to be ready for them.
In away to make children ready for primary the project is using tab (phones), in which, all the necessary teaching materials needed by the caregivers have been uploaded. Understanding that these tabs will require recharging, hence the distribution of battery and solar panels.Bulbs were other materials which were given.
Enukweni Cluster